Enjoy angling at Fletchers Pool
Added to the clubs portfolio in 2021, quite a bit of work has been carried out on this run down venue, during the recent seasons. To learn more, contact us.
About Fletchers Pool
The first problem resolved was that the heavy steel gates were difficult to open due to the spongy ground. A concrete pad was installed under the gates, and has solved the problem.
The car park was the next area to be improved, originally uneven and soft in places, a work party was held and the car park was levelled with road scalpings added to provide a stable surface.
Carp also are caught frequently, to mid double figures, Koi Carp, up to mid doubles, are visible on the surface in the warmer months, and are caught regularly.
Tench can now be added to the Species list with 200, 5 to 6 inch, added in recent seasons, along with also 200, 6 to 8 inch mixed common and mirror carp, all from Rodbaston College.
6000 small silvers were added in early spring 2024, to further improve stocking levels.
Again any feedback on Fletchers would be much appreciated, as we are unsure of the maximum size of the fish present or a full list of species.
Any Catch reports please contact us, any photos please send them over.