Enjoy angling at Barlow’s and Oak pools

Are you searching for an anglers’ paradise? Albrighton Anglers is the place! The club currently has 10 waters across the West Midlands. The waters are stocked with a good number of Tench, Roach, Perch, Pike, Gudgeon and many more fishes all year round. To learn more, contact us.

Strict rules about the usage of our club waters

Albrighton Anglers follows a set of strict rules with regards to the use of padlocked gates. It is imperative that both of these gates are secured at all times. The fish species include: Tench, Roach, Rudd, Bream, Hybrids, Crucian Carp, Perch, Barbel, Chub, Gudgeon to name a few. Parking is generally adjacent to the pegs on the near side of the pool.

Barlow’s and Oak pools

Named after Sid Barlow one of the clubs founders, the 4 acre tranquil Barlow’s site was purchased by Albrighton Anglers in 2007, after a period being rented by the club.
The site originally contained only Barlow’s pool, shortly after purchase the Oak pool was excavated to provide further fishing for its membership.
All members are allowed to night fish both pools, with junior members only able to do so when accompanied by a full or senior member.


Barlow’s is a 1.5 acre lake, after purchase the club decided to create a fishery with Tench the prominent species, a stocking programme was undertaken with the purchase of larger fish, Bream, Barbel, Crucian Carp and more recently Carp have also been stocked with Roach, Rudd and Perch also present in numbers.
Barlow’s pool has a maximum depth of 4ft, there’s good access to all pegs, with the majority being available with only a short walk from the parking areas. This extremely attractive, well maintained pool, the pool is full of features, its tree and reed lined, it has an island and most of swims have an area’s of lily pads to fish to.
In Barlow’s the club feel they have created one of the best Tench waters in the West Midlands, the pools larger fish species of Tench, Carp and Bream are rarely caught below 2.5 Lbs, both Tench and Bream are frequently caught to 6lb plus, the average being around 4lb, with the Carp to 11lb plus. Members report catching several fish of many of the species present in typical session, often they report a personal best Tench, Bream or both from the lake.


Oak is a pool of around half an acre in size, excavated to a maximum depth of 6ft, it has matured well over the last few seasons, stocked with Carp, now well into double figures, Ide, Roach and Rudd.

Any Catch reports please contact us, any photos please send them over.

If you want an undisturbed and peaceful fishing experience, contact Albrighton Anglers